Category Blog Posts

How to Build Distribution Channel in 7 Easy Steps

Selling, arguably, is the most important function in any business. However good its product – survival and growth of business depends greatly on sales performance. Distribution channel plays a critical function in success of sales strategy. Its extremely important for…

Building Distribution Channel Online – How Vanik Helps

Still selling in local markets only ? Why not sell across India through distributors and dealers ? If your product is selling good in local market, there’s no reason why it shouldn’t sell elsewhere. All you need to do is…

Make-in-India is Fine – But What About Sell-In-India ?

If 10 Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) are asked what’s the greatest challenge they face – chances are 9 of them would say ‘how to sell more’. SMEs in India face myriad challenges – non-availability of bank credit, govt regulations,…

Why Distribution Negotiation Fail And How To Safeguard Success

Indian B2B E-Commerce marketplaces are going through difficult times. Started with lots of fanfare and positive expert predictions – they got everything right during initial days. A huge market, virtually no competition, excellent fund flow, ready offline market waiting to…