Leading International Disinfectants and Sanitizers Manufacturer PaxChem Looking for Distributors Across India

Trusted across the Globe for more than 40 years, PaxChem is one of the most common names in the Biocides and Preservatives industry of the world. With customer base of 1200 corporates and millions of consumers across 22 countries, Pax products are certified by ISO 9000, ISO 14000, OHSAS 18000, cGMP – ICHQ7, GLP and FDA. Being owner of the iconic brands like PaxCare, PaxClean, Dr. Pax, PaxAir, PowerPax, and SmartWash, it offers range of products -Floor Disinfectant Sanitizer, Bathroom & Toilet Disinfectant, Kitchen Disinfectant Cleaners & Washes, Surface Disinfectants & Air Sanitizers. The company is looking for reliable and well connected FMCG Distributors and dealers across India. Interested partners contact at the earliest.

Contact Information

Contact Person:Mr. Ashok Pathare
Address:Shreyas, Plot No. 72, Mogul Lane, Mahim Mumbai
Business Turnover:Rs. 50 Cr – Rs. 100 Cr
Required Investment:Rs. 2lac – Rs.5lac
Infrastructure Required:Sales Support Staff, Storage Godown, Delivery Vehicles
Target Market:pan_india

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